Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Kennedy's

The Kennedy's endorsed Obama and none of them had the guts to talk to Bill and Hillary. Don't get me wrong in all probability I will not vote for either one of them.

When Caroline was asked this morning on GMA if she talked to Hillary or Bill about her decision. She said rather embarrassed like, No we talked to Chelsey. That right there just shows how low and sneaky the Kennedy clan is. They talked to Chelsey. WHAT?!?!? HELLO GROW SOME BALLS!!!!

Did they accidentally call her instead of Hillary or Bill? Or did she just call her up instead of Hillary or Bill. Are they that frightened by the Clinton machine? Seems kind of child like behaviour to me. I mean what the HELL. We called Chelsey.

I guess at least the didn't leave the Clinton's in a car at the bottom of a lake.

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