Tuesday, February 06, 2007

just some Ramblins

I know I have not updated lately. But, I have been sick since Thursday. And Sophie the dog has lymph node cancer. She is at least 13 years old though. It is quite sad. She was my mothers dog. And my mother passed away last year. Soooo there you have it.

How bout a McCain/Giuliani ticket? Or McCain/Lieberman independent Ticket?

A question from a concerned neighbor. Where did H Ross perot?

This guys is so STILL GAY?! Sorry Focus on the Family and New Life church. The New Life church is such a joke an so is Focus on the Family? I worked as a waiteress In Colorado Spings, the Olive Branch. (Woody Harrelson came in there once. He was in Colorado to visit his dad...Who was like a paid assassin. My friend Tara waited on him.) But anyways. The people form Focus on the Family were so rude. They expected special treatment. Did I say they were rude? But yeah he's so still gay. I find it humerous they are sending him out of town. Apparantly they also sent him to gay camp for three weeks. So they don't have to look at him. Maybe he should divorice his wife and go be gay. Cuz I think hes gay.


And the NASA chick is a perfect example of what happens when you start using CRYSTAL METH! The before and after picture. She looks like a photo shoot for Faces of Meth.


And then there this one. The Iran wants Europe to prove that there was even a Holosaust. Hows about Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan step up and put a boot in their ASS? http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/06/070206103633.e95j3556.html

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